What Can $7 Buy?

For seven dollars (USD), a typical family in Zimbabwe can receive a bag of mealie meal that will provide food for the family for one week. Mealie meal is a coarse flour made from corn or mealies in Southern Africa.

When the drought was made known to Faith in Communities Africa (FICA), they allocated a portion of “as needed” donations and raised additional funds through a special offering at Archbold Evangelical Church in Ohio (USA).

With these funds, Faith in Communities Africa was able to distribute nearly 400 bags of mealie meal and chunks (dried soybean meal high in protein) to approximately 400 families through churches in the Murombedzi and the surrounding areas.

At each food distribution location, the church leaders prayed for the families, and Jesus Christ was made known to the people receiving the food.

The Faith in Communities Africa board has committed to raising $1,600 per month until the next harvest to provide mealie meal and chunks to distribute through the churches to people in the Murombedzi area.


Smiles and Laughter


The Drought is Devastating